Sunday, September 21, 2008

this is for you aunty jen. kato

Sunday, June 29, 2008


chipmunks are everywhere in Oregon

Saturday, June 28, 2008


corgies think baths are overrated.
corgies can be red, sable, fawn, black, and tan.
corgies can grow 10 to 12 inches.
corgies can weigh up to 25 to 30 pounds.

corgies are my favorite type of breed of dog here are some cool facts and pictures of them.
there back can start hurting very easily.
corgies don't like strangers,but will love there trainer very much.

today i found a snake in the garden i wanted to hold it but when i tried it slithered off under the deck.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Day in the Life of Rhiannon

Is that machine going to get me? Lots of trees down.
(At the bus stop)

After school. Balancing, balancing, balancing
(on a fence a tree knocked over in the windstorm)

Climbing a tree.

Up in a tree it's so fun to me. Hey...that rhymes.

Still and steady....that's the trick.
Relaxing in Grandma's room.

Trying to fix Grandma's emergency radio.

Fort Rhiannon!


Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Six things that you don't know about me. And I tag Anna and Olivia.

1) I have a tricky way of taking my jeans off. I pull them halfway down and then I hold onto the bed and jump my legs like a horse that is bucking and my jeans fall off.

2) My two cats sleep with me every night so I don't get scared when Mom turns the TV off.

3) I can do the wave with my body while I am riding my bike.

4) I'm a French fry freak. I even eat them with applesauce.

5) I can make a high-pitched shriek that sounds like a whistle and I can let anyone in the store know where I am because it is so loud.

6) I can suck in my cheeks to make me look a skeleton (Grandma thinks I look like a fish). Here is a picture of me doing it.

I Got My Driver's License!!!

Look! I'm putting it in gear! Yeah me!

Drivin' on the streets.

Just kidding. We're parked outside Dairy Queen.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Best Friends

Well, this is my friend Megan. She's really, really nice (she also is really energetic and silly). Her mom owns the dance studio that I go to (on the right is Megan and on the left is me). In this picture she came over to the house to play with me because her mom wanted to play poker.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Friday night I stayed overnight with my friend Megan. On Saturday, Mommy got me and we spent the night with her friends at Mallory's house with Mallory and her husband and their friend Pete.

Yesterday was Sunday and I hiked to the Young's River Waterfall with Mommy and her friends and Ryder and Racer. We parked in the parking lot and then hiked down the trail to the bottom of the waterfall. This is what the waterfall looks like.

Playing with my friend, Ariana

Today we didn't have school because of teacher conferences, so my friend Ariana came over. We went on a walk with Grandma to get the mail. These are some of the other things we did.

OK--Let's see if we can find the snake that went into these bushes.

Maybe there's a snake under this rock. They don't bite, do they?

I thought I heard something in these blackberry bushes.

We're supposed to be picking blackberries for Grandma.

This is all we could find, Grandma. Can we go home and play now?

Let's play with our Bratz dolls.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Trees climbing

Let's get fastened in this harness.

This is really interesting

I want a turn, too!

When is it my turn, Sissy?

Josh--this is fun!

Going up

The world looks cool upside down

Only one hand

What will happen, Sissy, if I pull on this rope?

Come on Ryder! It's fun. Let me swing you!!

Ta-Da--------------the master tree climber!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Tree Hugger

Alanna, look at me!! I have a bigger tree to hug than you do.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


TUMBLING!!!! I love tumbling so much, don't you? It is so fun. I quit dance. I don't want to do it. I don't feel comfortable about it. It is not fun. It was fun last year, but it is not fun this year. I don't feel comfortable in the new, harder dance class. This week in gymnastics I'm going to learn to do a cartwheel on a low beams. (There's going to be a lot of mats so don't worry). Ryder is also taking tumbling but he is not in my same class, of course, because he is so much younger.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another new bike

A week ago I got another new bike. Can you believe it! I mean first I learned how to ride without training wheels. Then I got a new bike which was a Schwinn. Then I got this brand new bike which was a Mangna. This one is even bigger. Every time I look at it I am so "proud".

Thursday, September 13, 2007


My mom said my bike is breaking. Where the two pedals go through the middle of the bike is loose and wiggly. Schwinns aren't as good as other bikes! My mom said she is going to return it. I want a Nintendo DS with the money, but Grandma said no because she put in half of the money for my bike and she hates Nintendo DS's. She thinks they are a big waste of time and riding my bike is better for me. My friends are making fun of me because I don't have a DS. Racer broke my last one. I set it at the top of Grandma's stair lift chair and one day (when we came home from Las Vegas and grandma was still there), Racer rode her chair up and squashed my DS and it was a present from my Daddy!! Here is a picture of a Nintendo DS, but mine was pink.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

School days

I hate school! I don't do good in math. I do OK in symmetry. My teacher never has the schedule right. This is her first year teaching. I sit by this boy named Tanner and by the way I DO NOT LIKE HIM!!!!!! I like Colton------he is a hottie. I love riding the bus because it is so fun. And then there is this disgustingly GROSS boy named Jonathon. He is so HORRIBLE. When he talks he SPITS. I like PE, recess, lunch and library. But I have the shortest recess in the whole entire WORLD!!