Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Six things that you don't know about me. And I tag Anna and Olivia.

1) I have a tricky way of taking my jeans off. I pull them halfway down and then I hold onto the bed and jump my legs like a horse that is bucking and my jeans fall off.

2) My two cats sleep with me every night so I don't get scared when Mom turns the TV off.

3) I can do the wave with my body while I am riding my bike.

4) I'm a French fry freak. I even eat them with applesauce.

5) I can make a high-pitched shriek that sounds like a whistle and I can let anyone in the store know where I am because it is so loud.

6) I can suck in my cheeks to make me look a skeleton (Grandma thinks I look like a fish). Here is a picture of me doing it.


DJ said...

I'm a french fry freak too! I think you look like a fish too. Those are very interesting and funny facts about you.

Michelle Lee said...

Wow Rhiannon, I didn't know any of those things about you. You are so darn cute. I love french fries dipped in vanilla ice-cream, BBQ sauce, ketchup, of course and ranch dressing. Good job on your posting. Was it fun being tagged?!