Monday, October 15, 2007

Playing with my friend, Ariana

Today we didn't have school because of teacher conferences, so my friend Ariana came over. We went on a walk with Grandma to get the mail. These are some of the other things we did.

OK--Let's see if we can find the snake that went into these bushes.

Maybe there's a snake under this rock. They don't bite, do they?

I thought I heard something in these blackberry bushes.

We're supposed to be picking blackberries for Grandma.

This is all we could find, Grandma. Can we go home and play now?

Let's play with our Bratz dolls.

1 comment:

DJ said...

I enjoyed looking at pictures and hearing about your day off from school. I liked how you were looking for a snake. Good story. Your friend looks very nice.