Wednesday, October 3, 2007


TUMBLING!!!! I love tumbling so much, don't you? It is so fun. I quit dance. I don't want to do it. I don't feel comfortable about it. It is not fun. It was fun last year, but it is not fun this year. I don't feel comfortable in the new, harder dance class. This week in gymnastics I'm going to learn to do a cartwheel on a low beams. (There's going to be a lot of mats so don't worry). Ryder is also taking tumbling but he is not in my same class, of course, because he is so much younger.


Michelle Lee said...

Cool Nan!! I hope you get lots of exercise when you are in your tumbling class. It is nice that grandma helps you update your blog. I will miss you very much when I move to Reno. I will come back for a visit by Christmas time. Love you Rhiannon.

Ashley said...

You are so flippin cute!! I think you should come for a visit, just you, so aunt Debbie and I can spoil you.