Friday, January 11, 2008

A Day in the Life of Rhiannon

Is that machine going to get me? Lots of trees down.
(At the bus stop)

After school. Balancing, balancing, balancing
(on a fence a tree knocked over in the windstorm)

Climbing a tree.

Up in a tree it's so fun to me. Hey...that rhymes.

Still and steady....that's the trick.
Relaxing in Grandma's room.

Trying to fix Grandma's emergency radio.

Fort Rhiannon!



Michelle Lee said...

Too cute Nan. I love the comments that you and grandma come up with. I like the pictures of you playing after school. Your hair is getting super long. Post more pictures when you can.

Love, Aunt Shelly and the twins (in my tummy)

DJ said...

It was fun to see you and all the fun things you get to do in a day. When I was your age, I got to spend alot of time with my grandma too. We're lucky! You're really starting to look grown up.

Jennifer said...

Hi Rhiannon! when are you going to post new pictures little stinker pot? I check everyday to see new photos. Put up a picture of Kato for me OK? Love Jenn